Incident 1
Reported by Car 46 – Andrew Morris
Cars involved: 72 – Ric Wilkinson
Report: Causing a collision.
Stewards Notes:
In this situation Car 72 managed to take more speed into the corner than the driver in front, but unfortunately hit him on the rear and spun him out. Car 72 should lift or briefly hit the brakes again to avoid contact.
Position handed back?: NO
Stewards decision:
3 Points on License. This would have been 2 if you had let Car 46 resume position in front of you.
Incident 2
Reported by Car 46 – Andrew Morris
Cars involved: 7 – Adrian VanDerBerg
Report: Causing a collision.
Stewards Notes:
You don’t give each other any space and there was space to give. Both could have avoided the accident here. Both drivers should think about the ‘Vortex of Danger’ and apply as required.
Position handed back?: NO
Stewards decision:
No further action. Avoidable racing incident.